Time Line Therapy®

Time Line Therapy® is used for conditions such as exam nerves, performance anxiety, panic, phobias, trauma, PTSD and so much more.


Eradicate Negative Emotions


Habit Crusher


Empowerment to Face Change

What is TLT®?

Negative Emotion
Release the charge of negative emotions from the starting point.
Root cause

Discovering the one problem that causes all the problems. Or unwanted behaviors.

Time Line

How you unconsciously store your memories or how you unconsciously know the difference between a memory from the past or projection of the future.

Find your balance, energy & happiness the natural way.

Melisa's Troupe Personal Life Coach

What is a Time Line Therapy® Practitioner


TLT® provides one of the most powerful processes and techniques for personal change and growth by facilitating the elimination of the painful emotions attached to memories or events in the past. TLT® also focuses on what we can learn from those events and use what we learn as a resource for the future. Techniques and practical processes produce long-lasting transformation, emotions including the Big 5 anger, rage, sadness, hurt, regret, fear, guilt..


Time Line Therapy® techniques are a unique and unmatched method for creating powerful change in business, education, and therapy .Time Line Therapy® utilizes a person’s own internal “Time Line” to work with their unconscious minds in a variety of ways; including, healing emotional traumas and eradicating unwanted thoughts, emotions and behaviors.
Time Line Therapy® has been so successful in its results that it has been utilized since 1986 by thousands of people including psychiatrists, psychologists, marriage and family counselors, social workers, life and business coaches, and even athletic coaches.


TLT®Negative emotions have an impact on our physical health for example Anger affects our heart, Sadness our immune system. Fear can cause4 PTSD and phobias, guilt can cause lowered healing energy, and Conflict- cancer.
Mind-body medicine and PNI (psychoneuroimmunology) studies explain the effects of unresolved negative emotions and how they affect physical health and can lead to the development of symptoms and illness in the physical body.


Time line Therapy® is a quick easy and effortless way to clear the feeling that sabotage success & happiness. Specifically TLT® is treatment at and unconscious level allowing one to surrender negative emotions linked to the past and transform their internal programming.

My Practice


Broken Arrow


Phone: 918-493-0221

Email: melisa@theqicoach.com

Schedule your free Discovery Call now

The American Board of Neuro-Linquistic Programming